Red Frisbee

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on the edge of a path crowned by oaks 

where light freckles through 

I sit on a blanket with my old dog

and open a journal to write

the two of us immerse 

in the honied aroma

of flowers courting bees

across the vernal lawn

kids chatter like spring birds

on the overgrown greens

and start a game that will last

until the final days of Autumn

a young woman strolls past

tailed by a joyful beige dog

ferrying a red frisbee 

she smiles and heads down 

towards a hill with a view

I flutter into a memory 

one of balmy summer days

alongside my trusted pup

jaunting through meadows

playing fetch on a hillside

adorned with purple flowers

shrouded by shade trees

I look to my aged friend now

her suede coat silvered

languidly sunbathing

velvet muzzle beside my lap

bygone are the days of

traversing steep slopes

or bounding after squirrels

with eyes of pearl she lingers close

gaze empathetic

to mutual devotion

my closest confidant

two souls entwined

she is my beloved spirit animal

the foundation of joy in my home

I smile knowing in her dreams 

we still play red frisbee

